- Do exercises to Left (heart side) first as opens up the heart channel)
- All start in Wu Chi position – feet shoulder width, shoulders relaxed, arms by side, facing straight ahead
- When reach end of stretch, hold for 1 second
- i) Support the Sky with Both Hands Regulates All Internal Organs
(relieves fatigue/helps posture/cardio – lungs& heart/all organs)
Breathe in Raise arms in front as if holding a huge balloon. Continue to raise over head and turn palms face the ceiling (stretch in wrist).
Breathe out Push up, extend arms, let go of shoulders, feet press firmly into floor
(adv: onto tiptoe)
Breathe in lower arms to head
Breathe out Palms parallel to ceiling,
NB let go of shoulders, raise diaphragm, hands parallel to ceiling
Adv: Imagine 20% of weight of strength to press against stone as exhale. Then 40%, 50% …100%.
- ii) Drawing a Bow Each Side Resembles Shooting an Eagle (Archer)
(thorax/improves circulation/cardio – lungs& heart/energy flow small intestine)
Breathe in Unlock knee/sit down. Raise arms in front – hold ball. L palm to face left, fingers up (little finger edge pushing against wood of bow). Draw string of bow back with RH, elbow leading, hands loosely round bow.
Breathe out Look to left as push LH to L and draw RH to right, elbow leading, fingers vertical
Breathe in Slowly release imaginary bow and let arms draw towards each other, look back to the front.
Repeat x 3, then back to middle, lower arms and stand up.
Then repeat , turning to R.
NB burning feeling in hand = flow of chi
Adv: Straighten legs. Raise only index finger of bow hand and rotate towards little finger edge. Also, 2 bows either side.Push 20%…100% of energy
iii) Holding Up a Single Hand Regulates the Spleen and Stomach
(inc flow of energy across both sides of body/liver, gall blader, stomach&spleen/prevent diseases of gastro-intestinal tract e)
Breathe in Raise arms in front. Hold ball. R palm facing up, shoulder height, and L palm down.
Breathe out RH push up to ceiling (parallel) and LH push down to knee (parallel with floor)
Breathe in Back to shoulder and hip height.
Repeat x 8.
Adv: After extended arm fully, leave for sec, then breathe out imagining 20%…100% of energy to push 2 huge blocks of stone. Twist slightly to side with hand facing down, breathe out with 40%…100% of energy.
- iv) Looking Back Like a Cow Gazing at the Moon
(CNS/stimulates kidneys/eyeballs, neck& shoulders/alleviate high blood pressure & hardened arteries) CAUTION: NOT WHEN PREGNANT
Breathe in Draw arms in front of body, chest height, holding ball.
Breathe out Turn centre (arms follow) to L. Eyes look as far L as possible. Chest and arms opposite heart. (Don’t collapse knees).
Breathe in Back to centre.
Repeat to R x 4. Then to L x4.
Adv: Turn to left, push against imaginary stone 20%…100% energy.
- v) Lowering the Head and Hips Removes Excess Heat from the Heart
(prevention of fever/reduction of tension from sypathetic NS/relax & flow of energy along meridians) CAUTION: NOT WHEN PREGNANT
Breathe in Raise both arms shoulder height. Turn R palm up.
Breathe out Lean over to L, raise L heel, let LH run down thigh towards knee.
Breathe in Back to centre.
Then reverse. 4 x on each side.
Adv: transfer weight to inner leg – ie bend LL & R heel raises
As breathe out & bend to L imagine magnetic current tween LF (flat on floor) and 2 hands forming arc towards ground.
- vi) Touching the Feet with Both Hands Reinforces the Kidney and Loins
(muscles lower back & legs/stretches spine/kidneys & water metabolism)
Breathe in Circle arms out to side to above head.
Breathe out As arms go over head bend knees (1/2 squat position – imagine resting bottom on inflated balloon, arms down to hips, back straight.
Breathe in Straighten up by circling arms down and out to side.
Repeat x 8.
N.B. Do not let arms go behind so shoulder blade forward.
vii) Clenching the fists Increases Strength
(flow of chi whole body, hands & eyes/speeds circulation of oxygen to cardiovascular system/strengthen flow of internal power) CAUTION: NOT WHEN PREGNANT
(Wu chi position, bend knees slightly.)
Breathe in Fold thumbs inside fists and hold beside your hips, palms facing up.
Breathe out STARE as punch LH forward, shoulder height, draw RH back to side. L elbow out to side, not back so shoulder blade forward.
Repeat x 8.
Note: ensure that hands reach end of punch/draw back simulataneously.
Adv: Increase strenght by simulaneously
1) breathe out fully through nose
2) squeeze fingers around thumbs
3) clench teeth tightly
4) open eyes widely and glare
viii) Shaking the Body Wards off all Illnesses
(refresh & regenerate internal organs – massage each other/ spine/NS/sense of balance) CAUTION: NOT WHEN PREGNANT
Deep breath in Back of wrists on kidneys (flesh above hip bones on either sideof lower back.
Breathe out in little bursts until exhale completely
Relax shoulders. Shake whole body by bouncing gently up & down from your knees. Keep feet flat on ground & back straight.
Keep bouncing as inhale completely
Repeat x 8